

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chapter 1

In my earlier days of education at City Charter High School I have heard of this thing called a graduation project. My learning extraordinares have spoken to me and my fellow class mates about the process of us doing our graduation projects. As I advanced in my education I began researching and asking upper classman who have already completed there graduations projects to try and get som advise on how to go on with starting and completing this project. I was able to get desent and accurate information from them about each question i asked and was able to understand each one of the explanation they gave.

After receiving the information about and knowlegde about the graduation project I began contemplating on my topic for my graduation project. With my brains it didnt take very long for me to think of something to pursue. My main interest for my project would be music production. Its something I know very much about and can complete it with ease.

The concerns I have for this project is very simple, not comleting and getting every thing I want into the project. Every Other concerns really does not concern me.


  1. Well Nathan, I wish you luck on your prodject. But for future reference dont try to hard wiht the "big" words. Extraordinares is not in proper context.

  2. I agree with my fellow peer Chaz, you did a superb job with the vocabulary, however there were some gramatical mistakes, that could easily have been corrected had you read over your post before instantaneously "blogging it out." Good luck young man. You'll go far!
